*The Dilkusha MYF is trying their best to raise funds that will finance them to the annual youth camp that will be held in Labasa in the month on October. The first fundraising was a dinner in Central Cruizine, which was a success all thanks to our God almighty. At the moment youths are concentrating on the next fundraising that will be held on the 30th of June at the Fatiaki's resisdence which will be a BBQ ($3 per serve). So if you're interested do come down and support us.
*The DMYF is currently running a farming project that will generate the much needed financial backing for the coming year. The youths currently work on the farming project every second Saturday. Its also a way in keeping our Youth members in shape. (Some of us otherwise need it!)
*The Dilkusha Youth, like all other youth ministries, have a Praise and Worship team which is led by Koni Fiu. They are responsible for getting the congregation ready to receive God's Word every Sunday morning. Praise and Worship is led every Sunday morning from 7-7.30am.*The Dilkusha Youth are also responsible for leading services twice a month for the afternoon services. DMYF is further divided into three groups namely "Canaan", "Zion" and "Honey", who rotate this responsibility.