Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Friends, Something exciting happened to my family a few weeks ago. We got a call from the editors over at Charisma Magazine. They wanted to run a feature story on my family because of the parenting book we just published called ReCreate!
My wife, Katie, and I wrote ReCreate to share stories of how we made it a priority to raise Godly children and build a Christ-centered culture in the home (Charity, my middle daughter, even helped write the teen version!). It turns out that the editors at Charisma were just amazed to see all three kids in one family absolutely in love with God and pursuing them with their lives.
A lot of families in ministry really struggle when it comes to their children, and they wanted to find out how we did it. I don’t think we did anything special. It’s all in the book, but we always prayed for our kids and with our kids. And I really think the kids are doing so well because of Katie—she’s just amazing. But really what it came down to was a decision to put our kids first. After God and our marriage, our kids have been our top priority, even before ministry. That’s been the guiding principle for us as parents, and we’ve had to fight very hard to keep that focus. It wasn’t always easy, but it was worth it!
Please pray for this article! We really hope that this story in Charisma and the book itself is an encouragement and blessing to all of the families that read it. The article will be in the March issue. Until then, you can watch some videos we recorded for each chapter in the book and order a copy online if you’re interested.
Consumed by the Call,Ron
P.S. I've been sending out email updates on a variety of topics every week or so. If you're not getting them, you can sign up at,14tlh,1cl4,lr0,egu5,2c3v,g5w6. Ron LuceFounder and President

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