Tuesday, July 10, 2007

ThE GeN X FaCtoR


There are 33 million teens in America. 33 million teens are subjected to the messages of corporations, the mass media and popular culture each day. 33 million souls in desperate need of help. The only hope for these 33 million teens is a coalition of churches and youth groups devoted to doubling their numbers and growing deeper in Christ through discipleship. A better future awaits this generation. Will our youth join the fight?

Battle Cry 33 Churches are the churches that have accepted the challenge and decided to step up and fight for this generation. They are the churches that have made this commitment!

Youth Pastors, Senior Pastors and church youth leaders -- make your youth group a Battle Cry 33 church and create your church Battle Plan today and create your individual Battle Plan first. Welcome to the coalition!

What can we do to impact our generation for the Lord Jesus Christ!? How many peers do you know have any perception about Heaven or Hell!? When you finaly leave school how many friends will you hacve witnessed to!? Through your testimony did you allow them an opportunity to receive the Lord Jesus as their personal savior!? These are sobering and eternal questions that we all must give account of at Judgement Day before a Holy and Just God! What will be our answer!?

DIs be your Homie

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