Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Man Pulled Over By Cops, Visited By Secret Service Over Anti-Obama Sign

Exercising First Amendment could be “construed as a threat”Steve WatsonInfowars.netThursday, Feb 19th, 2009.

An Oklahoma City man was pulled over by police and later visited at home by the secret service for displaying an anti-Obama sign.

According to a report in The Oklahoman, the sign, which read “Abort Obama Not the Unborn,” was seized from motorist Chip Harrison’s car by police officers who cited it as a possible “threat against President Obama”.

A lieutenant supervisor later called Mr Harrison to inform him that the Secret Service had been contacted on the matter.

When Mr Harrison returned home he found secret service agents waiting for him.
”When I was on my way there, the Secret Service called me and said they weren’t going to ransack my house or anything … they just wanted to (walk through the house) and make sure I wasn’t a part of any hate groups.” Harrison is quoted as saying.
The agents interviewed Mr Harrison for 30 minutes and then left, deeming him not to be a threat.

The police returned the sign to Mr Harrison and admitted that it was a violation of his constitutional rights to have taken it, as police spokesman Steve McCool explains in the following video:

Mr Harrison has said he feels his First Amendment rights were violated and is taking legal advice on the matter.

The incident is similar to a report we carried last year detailing how two friends from Las Vegas were pulled over, asked for identification and searched all due to the fact that they had Ron Paul and Infowars bumper stickers on the back of their car.

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